"Friends are angels that lift you from your feet when your wings forget how to fly."
Once there was this girl,
I don't remember her name.
But it doesn't really matter
Coz, the story stays the same.
Dekli toh kemon amder dekha...
etaai to chilo hathe lekha...
vule jacchis shei chottobela??????
shei choudhury bajaar eaar shei mela....
The first time I opened my eyes,
You were there to care for me,
I haven't said this much often,
but mom, dad, I worship thee.
Sitting there lost in her thoughts,
With strands of hair kissing her face,
There's so much more than meets the eye,
About the girl in the orange dress.
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.